School Schedule
School Hours:
* Grades 1-8
Monday through Thursday 7:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday 7:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
* Kindergarten
Monday through Thursday 7:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Friday 7:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
* On minimum days dismissal is 12:30 p.m.
Attendance, Tardiness and Truancy
Absences have an impact on a child’s ability to learn and a teacher’s ability to teach. In order for each child to benefit from the experience provided, a child’s attendance must be consistent. Excessive absences and tardiness are detrimental to a child’s progress and may result in lower grades due to poor performance, retention, and/or discontinuation in school.
The responsibility for attendance and/or tardiness lies with parents. However, for the health and wellbeing of all the other children in the class, if your child is ill at the beginning of the day please keep him or her home until they are well.
The responsibility for attendance and/or tardiness lies with parents. However, for the health and wellbeing of all the other children in the class, if your child is ill at the beginning of the day please keep him or her home until they are well.
- It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to notify the school office before 9:00 AM on the day or days on which their child will be absent by calling (909) 626-7135 EXT. 241. In case of long-term absences (more than three days), parents should leave a message with Mrs. Gutierrez (EXT. 241) to notify the Principal and their child’s teacher(s).
- A written excuse from the parent must be presented to the child’s homeroom teacher at the beginning of the next school day after every absence. These must be signed and dated and explain why the child was absent, specifying if it is for particular illness and indicating communicable infections, or if it is for personal reasons. If a child does not bring a note explaining the absence, they must report to the school office. Parents will be contacted by phone that day and the school office issues an admittance slip for that day only. Notes explaining absences and illnesses may also be faxed to the school office: 909 398-1395.
- Medical and dental appointments: Please cooperate with the school so that these appointments do not conflict with dates of standardized testing. Whenever possible, appointments should be made before or after school hours.
- If a child has been experiencing symptoms within 24 hours (e.g. fever, diarrhea, vomiting) or has been diagnosed with a contagious disease (e.g. chicken pox, strep throat, pink eye / conjunctivitis) the child must be kept at home and the school office must be notified so that precautions can be taken and notification sent home with the other students who may have been exposed.
- Children are not allowed to leave the school grounds when school is in session including lunch and recess periods except by previous arrangement. If arrangements have been made and the child is to be picked up, the parent or guardian must go to the school office before the child is released. The child must be signed out in the dismissal log in the office, and the office staff will call or collect the child form the classroom. Only those who are authorized and named on the emergency cards may pick up a child during the school day. If someone other than the parent or legal guardian is picking up the child, he or she must present a signed, dated note from the parent or guardian before the child will be released.
- Assignments, tests, etc. have to be made up once the student returns. Teachers will make every effort to ensure continuity of progress, but it is the child’s responsibility to ask the teacher(s) for their makeup assignments. Children are given the number of days equal to the number of days absent to complete homework and missed class work. For extended illnesses, parents must schedule a conference with the teacher(s) to receive a homework plan.
The school day starts at 7:50 AM. A second bell rings at 7:55AM to signal the start of morning prayers and daily announcements. Lessons begin promptly at 8:00AM. A child is considered tardy if he or she is not in the classroom by the second bell at 7:55 AM, or the bell which signals the start of afternoon session for his/her grade. All children who arrive after roll has been collected from the classroom in the morning must sign in at the school office.
Punctuality is very important. In the morning the children need time at the beginning of the day before formal instruction begins to unpack and prepare for the day. Tardiness can cause tremendous disruption and interruption to both individual children and the whole class. Please make every effort to ensure your child arrives on time. The continual disruption to the individual child and their classmates of repeated tardiness is cause for discontinuation of a child’s education at Our Lady of the Assumption School.
The school day starts at 7:50 AM. A second bell rings at 7:55AM to signal the start of morning prayers and daily announcements. Lessons begin promptly at 8:00AM. A child is considered tardy if he or she is not in the classroom by the second bell at 7:55 AM, or the bell which signals the start of afternoon session for his/her grade. All children who arrive after roll has been collected from the classroom in the morning must sign in at the school office.
Punctuality is very important. In the morning the children need time at the beginning of the day before formal instruction begins to unpack and prepare for the day. Tardiness can cause tremendous disruption and interruption to both individual children and the whole class. Please make every effort to ensure your child arrives on time. The continual disruption to the individual child and their classmates of repeated tardiness is cause for discontinuation of a child’s education at Our Lady of the Assumption School.
- If a student comes in after recess, he/she is marked absent half a day.
- A student who is tardy in excess of thirty (30) minutes on each of four (4) days or more in one (1) school year, without a valid excuse, is considered a truant.
- Each time a child is tardy on 3 occasions in one trimester, the child will serve a detention.
Truancy – absence and tardiness without a valid excuse
A student who is absent from school more than three (3) days in one school year or is tardy in excess of thirty (30) minutes on each of four (4) days or more in one (1) school year, without a valid excuse, is a truant.
Parents/guardians will be contacted in any case of suspected truancy. In cases of habitual truancy, when and if all resources at the school level have been exhausted, the principal may notify the local public Child Welfare and Attendance authorities, and the child be subject to dismissal.
A student who is absent from school more than three (3) days in one school year or is tardy in excess of thirty (30) minutes on each of four (4) days or more in one (1) school year, without a valid excuse, is a truant.
Parents/guardians will be contacted in any case of suspected truancy. In cases of habitual truancy, when and if all resources at the school level have been exhausted, the principal may notify the local public Child Welfare and Attendance authorities, and the child be subject to dismissal.