After School Sports Eligibility
All students involved in after school sports must have and maintain a “C” average with no “F” Grades. Students must also maintain “Satisfactory” or better in conduct and work habits.
Varsity Athletes: Grades are checked for eligibility from the previous report card by the A.D. before the start of the sport season.
- Fall Sports: June report cards of previous year
- Winter Sports: November report cards
- Spring Sports: March report cards
- Winter Sports: November report cards
- Spring Sports: March report cards
When a varsity athlete falls below the standards (academic, conduct or work habits) on a trimester report card, this immediately makes the student ineligible to compete for the upcoming sports season.
- B/C Athletes: B and C level athletes not meeting the grade in conduct or work habit expectations are placed on week to week probation and cannot practice or participate in any team activities until the grades and/or behavior improves. Eligibility is reviewed each Monday of the following week.
- All Cheer Athletes: As cheer is a full year sport, eligibility is determined by the previous school year. If a cheer student does not pass 2 out of 3 trimesters with a “C” average with no “F” grades, they will be immediately ineligible for the next school year. No exceptions.
Fees are not returned if a student is dropped for academic or behavioral reasons.
Full details on the After School Sports Program are published annually in the Athletic Handbook available from the Athletic Director.