
Our Lady of the Assumption offers a curriculum that follows Archdiocesan core curriculum guidelines for all students. Religious Studies form the heart of our program, and we are committed to promoting our children’s Catholic identity with daily, systematic instruction in all aspects of the Catholic Faith. Our curriculum is characterized by a focus on thinking skills, responsibility, and a vision of excellence that will offer children the chance to develop their minds, hearts and bodies. Academic subjects include Language Arts (English, Reading, Spelling or Vocabulary, and Handwriting), Math (including Algebra) Science, Social Studies, Art, Physical Education (PE), Computers, and Music. In seeking to meet the needs of the whole child, OLA has adopted a social- emotional learning program, SecondStep, used in all grades.


Current Textbooks

  • Our Sunday Visitor, “Alive in Christ” 2015 edition
  • RCL Benziger “Family Life”

Language Arts:

  • Zaner-Bloser “Superkids” K – 2nd Grade, 2017 edition
  • McGraw Hill “California Wonders” 3rd – 5th Grade, 2017 edition
  • Holt McDougal “Literature” 6th – 8th Grade, 2012 edition
  • Sadlier “Grammar for Writing” 6th – 8th Grade, 2014 edition


  • Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley “enVision Math” K-5th Grade 2015 edition
  • Holt/McDougal “Common Core Mathematics” 6th and 7th Grade 2012 edition
  • Holt/McDougal “Algebra concepts and skills” 8th Grade, 2010 edition

Social Studies:

  • Scott Foresman K – 6th Grade, 2003 edition
  • Prentice Hall 7th – 8th Grade, 2003 edition


  • Scott Foresman K – 5th Grade, 2003 edition
  • Holt Rhinehart Winston 6th – 8th Grade, 2001 edition

All textbooks are purchased by the school and issued to individual students at the start of the school year for that school year only. Students are responsible for their books throughout the year and must return the books at the end of the year. Lost and damaged books must be replaced by the parent/guardian including the cost of tax and shipping, if applicable.